Kenmore-Garfield Student Advocate Parent Information

Akron Promise has created a mentoring program at Kenmore-Garfield High School to assist students with the transition from high school to their post-secondary goals.  If you believe your student would benefit from this program, please talk with your student and begin the process of acquiring a mentor from Akron Promise. Our mentors have been trained and received background clearances through iC.A.R.E. Mentoring, the Akron Public Schools platform for mentoring. I have attached a flyer which provides more details about the mentoring program.

In order to participate in this program, the student’s parent or guardian must fill out the iC.A.R.E. Mentoring Participation permission slip.  The completed document must be returned to the office at Kenmore-Garfield High School.  Once the document is returned, your student will be assigned a mentor.

If you have any questions about this program, please contact Tom Ghinder at 330-329-4855 or