On Saturday July 14th, Akron Promise held two fundraisers for the
Kenmore-Garfield Stark State Scholarship Fund.
The golf outing at Mud Run Golf Course was blessed by good weather
and a supportive group of golfers. In the evening, there was a Dessert
Party at the Live Music Now! venue. Peach cobbler, strawberry shortcake
and a s’mores bar were big hits, along with the live music of JT Buck,
KHG Graduate Chris Miller, Greg Milo and Jared Soster.
Tom and Daralee Ghinder, founders of Akron Promise, are incredibly
humbled by, and appreciative of, the generous support of this
community, the administrative staff at KGHS, Summit County Executive
Eileen Shapiro and the friends, family and others who helped in the
success of these events.
The big announcement of the night was that Akron Promise will commit
to scholarships through 2022. This means that as soon as this year’s 9th
graders start high school, they know there is a tuition free path to postsecondary success. This scholarship is currently offered to ten graduating seniors at KGHS to attend Stark State College.
Please consider adding your time and resources to Akron Promise,
as they continue to grow and expand opportunities for Kenmore-Garfi eld
students. The continuation of the scholarship is made possible, in
part, by the generous contributions of these local Kenmore
businesses: Beneficial Building Services, The Guitar Department,
Showcase Meats, Kenmore Komics & Games, and Olde 97 Cafe.
Please support these businesses, as they support our youth.

Published in the Kenmore Connection, Summer 2018 (Vol. 19, Issue 3)